welcome tooo.......

this is my site. do you like it>????

you hear that? its the...

you might be wondering well Who is this Oatmeal guy.... well actuall y i am a

i like food! and oatmeal is very cool. So i made a webpage wiht oatmeal as the topic! I think the idea is neat and unexplored, and altogether epic.
I am also a progra mmer! That dance floor up there is made by me :) i hope you enojyed it i found the .gif's myself!

heres what stuff i like:
i like itg!! fun rhythm game
- i like computer stuff! like programming.... its realy neat
- 3d modeling!!! the new dimensions in graphics look really cool.... look at this piggy i madefofr example


catte requested me to put her cats here... so i did!!!! theyre so cute...
so any way umm... thanks for visintg my page!! i hope you enjoyed it and see you later!!